About Us

What is CSL?

There has been a significant increase in Community Scheme regulation in the past couple of years which has made it increasingly complex and expensive for Community Schemes to comply and operate in this strictly regulated environment. Community Schemes are constantly confronted with legal and regulatory issues, governance documentation amendments (MOI, Rules, etc.), dispute and dispute resolution procedures, conclusion of agreements and the like, all of which require knowledge and legal expertise to deal with.


The fact is that all Community Schemes need legal assistance at some point in time. The Community Scheme, through its executives, takes responsibility to ensure that the community scheme operates successfully. The executives operate in a regulated environment that can be new and confusing to them. Most Schemes can testify to the value that a commercial or labour lawyer will bring to their business, but for the majority of Community Schemes, retaining the services of a legal expert, is not a commercially viable option. Legal services can cost an arm and a leg and more often than not, schemes, and eventually the members of that scheme, are left with the financial burden of hefty legal expenses. A complex legal matter can be financially devastating.


But the good news is, there is a solution to this problem – CSL

CSL offers a comprehensive and very powerful legal expense insurance product to Community Schemes through a uniquely designed short-term insurance policy. The product addresses the fast-growing and urgent demand for the legal protection and empowerment of Community Schemes. A CSL policy therefore makes perfect sense.


Make a decision today that could one day make a huge difference to the financial future of your Community Scheme. When that legal situation arises, don’t be left standing there, thinking: “If only…!”. Contact us today for further information about the CSL policy benefits.

Who can take out a CSL policy?

  • Sectional Title Schemes
  • Security Estate
  • Retirement Villages
  • Shared Block Developments

How much will the CSL policy cost our Community?


The monthly premium is R15,00 per unit in your community for legal services cover to the value of R300 000 per case / claim for your scheme.


This affordable premium offers a comprehensive safety net for your Community Scheme. You have peace of mind, knowing that you can count on the support of a powerful professional network should you have any legal issues. Our premiums are reviewed annually.


How to apply for a policy?

We understand how busy your Scheme Executives are so we have made it as simple as possible to join CSL:

• You can complete a policy application with an accredited broker
• Call us on 012 665 2500 for further information
• Submit an enquiry for information or request a call back on our website.